As an administrator, you can create accounts for the people using Voxer Business at your company. You can add user accounts one-by-one or though a bulk upload via .csv file.
To upload multiple user accounts, first create a .csv spreadsheet with the following required columns: First, Last, E-mail, Phone. Then make sure subsequent rows are filled in with valid data. You can download a sample template here.
You can create a spreadsheet with software such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Docs and then export to .csv using the software. Here is a sample of how your spreadsheet may look.
To perform the bulk upload, please perform the steps below.
From the "Users" Tab, select "Add User" > Select "Bulk Upload" in the bottom left corner > "Choose File" > Select your .csv file for upload > OK.
- If your entries are succcessfully uploaded, you will have the option to review the list of entries before confirming or canceling their addition to your account.
- Note that when you click "Confirm Upload" the email addresses of users you added are instantly sent an email to verify their Voxer Business account.
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