You can edit your name, username, location, email, phone number, and a profile picture from your profile page.
To access your profile page to input this information, perform the following steps:
- Go to your Chat List.
- Open the Main Menu Button (in the upper left corner).
- Tap anywhere on the Profile banner.
- Tap "Edit" icon (located on the top right).
- Make desired changes.
- Select the check mark to save.
- To edit your profile picture, click on the camera icon located inside the thumbnail. (Make sure you have given Voxer permission to access your camera and photos.
- Click on Share Profile to send a link to your profile via other apps and social channels.
- Go to your Chat List.
- Open the Main Menu Button (in the upper left corner).
- Tap "My Profile".
- Tap "Edit"(located on the top right of the orange banner).
- Make desired changes.
- To edit your profile picture, make sure you have given Voxer permission to access your camera and photos.
- Select the back arrow to save.
- Click on Share Profile to send a link to your profile via other apps and social channels.
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